ISORA es la matriarca de uno de los grupos de calderones tropicales que residen y utilizan la costa oriental de la isla de Tenerife. Este sector de mar se haya al resguardo de los vientos alisios, dando lugar a aguas encalmadas la mayor parte del año.
Pese a su tamaño y apariencia, el calderón tropical (Globicephala macrorhynchus), es un delfín emparentado con las orcas. Los machos pueden alcanzar una longitud de 5 m, un metro más que las hembras, pero pesan el doble. Viven en grupos estrechamente emparentados y la mayoría de sus miembros permanecen juntos de por vida.
Fotografía submarina: Rafa Herrero Massieu
Fotografía exteriores: Rafa Herrero Massieu y Pedro Felipe Acosta
Música: Christian Johansen
Preview of the documentary «Isora, story of a pod of pilot whales,» in which it is narrated the life of a pod of pilot whales living in Canary Islands, as well as their space and the residents sharing that space. It is financed by the Canarian Foundation Mapfre Guanarteme and produced by Aquawork Productions, and it will be presented at the end of 2012.
Isora is the matriarch of one of the pods of tropical pilot whales living in the Eastern coast of the island of Tenerife. This area of the sea is sheltered from trade wind, and this cause the sea to become calm for the most part of the year.
Despite of its size and shape, the tropical pilot whale (Globicephala Macrorhynchus), is a dolphin related to killer whales. Males can reach five metres long, one metre more than females, but they weigh twice as heavy. They live in closely related pods and most of their members live together for life.
Submarine photography: Rafa Herrero Massieu
Location photography: Rafa Herrero Massieu and Pedro Felipe Acosta
Music: Christian Johansen